Our Promise
From us to you
Dear Retreat Guests,
I founded Silo Wellness in Oregon back in 2018 because I learned firsthand that mushrooms can work if you do. They taught me that I had a choice of what I have to think about. That I was no longer at the mercy of nonstop negative thoughts and anxieties.
They taught me, for the first time, what it means to live inside a quiet mind — devoid of constant chattering anxieties. That at times, if I work hard at it, my mind can be filled with peace and joy. That I have control of my present disposition. That the only thing I get to control is me: my thoughts, my words, my actions. Nothing else. I only control my reaction to things.
Mushrooms gave me a taste of a disciplined mind. They also taught me that a disciplined mind of peace and joy is attainable if we just put in the hard work of reprogramming ourselves while realizing that nothing worth doing is easy.
Psilocybin mushrooms changed my life. The first thing I thought of after my first dose in 2018 was: ‘How do we get these into the hands of as many people in need as quickly and inexpensively as possible.’ We can’t let this natural ‘plant’ medicine get locked up behind the pharmacy window. We have to get this natural medicine out to the people right now. Not after some clinical trial kinda-maybe-sorta one day in the far out distant uncertain future after billions of dollars and with the blessing of the FDA. Not ‘psychedelic healing one day’ but ‘psychedelic healing right now.’
And just like that, Silo Wellness was born. This has been our mission ever since: To safely provide you the tools you may need to heal yourself.
The power of choice
We want to meet clients right where they are in a respectful way that honors their backgrounds and tradition. These are called “magic mushrooms” but they aren’t some sort of magical cure. We aren’t selling miracles. Your existence — your life — is the miracle.
We aren’t selling anyone any sort of ideology or the secrets of the universe except for one: That love is a choice. We can choose hope and love or choose fear and dispair. We have a choice in every single moment of every single day to either choose to be thinking in fear — fearing the past or being anxious about the future — all while we are forgetting the moment — the right now.
Instead, we can choose to live in this present moment, in this most beautiful never-ending ‘now.’ We can be connected to nature: to one another, to ourselves, to the outdoors all in unity with all things and everyone with one single purpose of love. This ‘plant’ medicine is unity medicine. It helps us learn to unite to our true selves, to unite with each other and to come back to Nature.
We can possibly learn a new way of thinking through a plant medicine retreat in a setting of natural beauty where you just might learn to choose not to live in fear but to live in love. Choosing to love and forgive ourselves and each other. Loving our neighbor. Loving each other in every choice that we make in every moment of every day. We choose our thoughts and what we have to think about when we want to think about them. We can be in control of our own minds. We can choose thoughts of love and joy. We can choose thoughts of hope and not despair. We can choose to love our present situation, our existence, the essence of existence, and our place in the universe.
- Mike Arnold, Attorney at Law, Silo Wellness Founder & CEO
Your journey.
Our commitment.
At Silo Wellness we endeavor to provide you with a safe and beautiful environment where guests may connect nature’s most beautiful creation, human consciousness, back to itself through a psychedelic retreat in a beautiful and wild, natural setting.
We at Silo Wellness are truly blessed that you would consider allowing us the honor to walk along with you on this journey.

An awakening
The psychedelic renaissance isn’t happening because of publicly-traded companies like us or psychedelic pharmaceutical companies and their huge capital raises. It’s happening because of storytelling by individuals sharing the human experience.
It’s happening because the data set is enormous historically and that ancient wisdom has been siloed across time, generations and vast physical distances to be unlocked today and shared with one another by word of mouth at a viral rate unheard of to ancient man.

An awakening
The psychedelic renaissance isn’t happening because of publicly-traded companies like us or psychedelic pharmaceutical companies and their huge capital raises. It’s happening because of storytelling by individuals sharing the human experience.
It’s happening because the data set is enormous historically and that ancient wisdom has been siloed across time, generations and vast physical distances to be unlocked today and shared with one another by word of mouth at a viral rate unheard of to ancient man.
Your inner journey
Let us all be grateful for the opportunity to be living in an era where this natural medicine is legally available to us right now in a time of great need and great opportunity for our civilization.
We hope that at our retreat you have an opportunity to see things in a new and more positive light. That you find what you are looking for and get the answers that you deserve. That is our dream and the purpose of Silo Wellness’s existence: to provide others the opportunity to heal themselves.
Are psychedelics for everyone? No. Is it a natural right of human beings to explore their own consciousness internally? We think so. However, before making your decision, do your research whether to retreat at all and where to retreat to. A retreat is not a surrender to outside stressors. It’s only a surrender to our own purpose and intention — a place to regroup and strengthen before going back out into the vast world outside of ourselves.

Mike Arnold, Attorney at Law, Silo Wellness Founder & CEO
Your inner journey
Let us all be grateful for the opportunity to be living in an era where this natural medicine is legally available to us right now in a time of great need and great opportunity for our civilization.
We hope that at our retreat you have an opportunity to see things in a new and more positive light. That you find what you are looking for and get the answers that you deserve. That is our dream and the purpose of Silo Wellness’s existence: to provide others the opportunity to heal themselves.
Are psychedelics for everyone? No. Is it a natural right of human beings to explore their own consciousness internally? We think so. However, before making your decision, do your research whether to retreat at all and where to retreat to. A retreat is not a surrender to outside stressors. It’s only a surrender to our own purpose and intention — a place to regroup and strengthen before going back out into the vast world outside of ourselves.

Mike Arnold, Attorney at Law, Silo Wellness Founder & CEO