Shareholder Benefits
Silo Wellness Inc | OTCQB: SILFF | CSE: SILO

Thank you owners
You are helping launch the industry's first internationally-known psychedelic brand. Now enjoy its benefits and spread the word!
Share the love and spread the message of mushrooms to those who may not know anything about the powerful wellness aspects. Many have seen the promising science in the media, but are unaware of any brands with a vision in this interesting space.
As owners of the company, YOU can help spread the word about YOUR product and this new industry. Please consider sharing with a friend or family member. The goal is a mycelium network of likeminded folks united in the mission of psychedelic healing.
Why psychedelic mushrooms?
Mushrooms can often let you step outside from your standard frame of reference and view yourself – your life, past, and future – from the vantage point of a third-party observer.
Being more closely related to humans than plants and having been on Mother Earth longer than plants, fungus has kept life alive through cataclysmic event after cataclysmic event. We look forward to watching science continue to validate the 1,300 million years of wisdom the mushrooms hold.

One heart
Can psychedelics help people be more open to unity?
Natural products containing substances that cause altered states of consciousness (“ASOC” compounds) may heal or redirect the brain to encourage interconnectivity of society, family units, friends, management teams, political leaders, etc. A lot can be said about this and how to accomplish it or the pharmacology and different hypotheses behind it.
Plant Medicine for meditation
Cannabis, or “ganja” if you are in Jamaica, was a gateway to mystical experiences and meditation for many. For those that use it as something more spiritual, as many Rastafari do, it can be centered on loving intentions, and it can promote very open and philosophical and/or spiritual thoughts.
For many people, ganja was their first introduction to plant medicine and altered states of consciousness which served as a gateway to trying mushrooms for the same purposes. In effect, plant medicine de-stigmatized natural products for meditation and experiencing other states of consciousness.
Many mushrooms have consciousness-expanding properties but many fear both these altered consciousness experiences and mushrooms in general. Mushrooms must be de-stigmatized before widespread use. Functional mushrooms for health and wellness are mushrooms used for something that is helpful to the functioning of the body other than mere calorie intake. Psychedelic mushrooms are functional mushrooms.
Functional mushrooms
A potential gateway to psychedelic mushrooms

“Altered state of consciousness” mushrooms are just another functional mushroom; by helping our consciousness function more in accordance with our own intentions. Before we even get to combatting people’s fears of ASOC experiences, we first need to combat their mycophobia: their fear of mushrooms in general.
For many, mushrooms — any type of mushrooms — are creepy little things that pop up from the ground once a year for a limited period of time and then disappear. We are told not to try them since we were children, because they may be toxic. We also often had bad culinary experiences with mushrooms and have a “disgusting texture” mindset about them as well.
Humans are so disconnected from nature that we don’t have the collective cultural wisdom or even the time to figure this out for ourselves. We need a trusted brand to curate that experience, much like the wise elders of the past curated that for their tribe.
It is our hope with our retreats that functional mushrooms curated by a trusted brand might not only reduce mycophobia but they can introduce many to a product category they have never heard of before.
Most consumers have never heard of any brand of mushrooms whatsoever. It is disappointing that we have forgotten this ancient wisdom but we are lucky (and grateful) this knowledge has been siloed, waiting for us to find it again.
Why is Silo Wellness offering owner discounts to current shareholders?
A corporation is a collection of individuals set on a common purpose. What if that purpose was something bigger than oneself; bigger than yesterday or tomorrow? But solely rooted in this One timeless moment: the “right now.” Right now, our owners can work together to promote this collective need for Oneness: One Love. One Heart. One World.
The purpose of Silo Wellness is healing and wellness today. Right now. Our goal is destigmatizing mushrooms as a whole and, more specifically, psychedelic healing.
Changing minds through sharing our stories
Silo Wellness owners helping destigmatize mushrooms and psychedelics
Most people would be willing to try something new based on a trusted friend’s recommendation rather than random advertisements. How did you try cannabis for the first time or psychedelic mushrooms? Was it due to some TV-like drug dealer archetype encouraging you to “try the first one for free” or was it a friend introducing you to something new after relaying their own personal transformative journey?
We want friends and family to spread the One Love. We want owners of our Silo Wellness retreats brand to share their experiences and encourage reviews. Not only are they vouching for our services, but they are vouching for the company as owners. They are “all in” so to speak. We know that our owners are the best advocates as they have been since Day One.

Giving something back to our owners
We want to give back to our shareholders who believe in us
and also to encourage shareholders to be “owners” rather than mere speculative investment “traders.”
We have something unique here. You own a piece of a psychedelic healing company. That’s special. This opportunity is special. Let’s take advantage of our first-mover status together with a team of owners with a common purpose.
We want a consumer’s first introduction to the psychedelics to be with a brand they can remember, relate to, and trust. A brand that has an underlying philosophy that is better than revenue and consumer culture. You may forget the name of other service providers or consumer brands, but you will never forget who introduced you to the One Love of psychedelic journeys.
Shareholder Eligibility
How to prove that you are an owner (Canadians: "SILO" ticker) (U.S. Residents: "SILFF" ticker)
In these days of electronic stock trading, you no longer have a shareholder certificate. You own ones and zeroes. No worries! Simply log into your brokerage account.
If you are on E-Trade, for example, simply go to your account, click on your “Portfolios” and screen shot the page with today’s date and your number of shares and email it to [email protected] with “Shareholder Benefits” in the subject line. Also, please “cc” [email protected]. Or simply call us at 902.818.8807