Meet Our

Michael Hartman
Chief Operating Officer
Psilocybin Nasal Spray Creator
Formerly Product Development
Michael Hartman is an accomplished pharmaceutical product developer inventor, scientist and self-styled disruptive force in the pharmaceutical industry. He served as Senior Scientist at Novartis where he developed a novel triple drug combination dry powder inhaler for COPD and invented a robust formulation platform technology. Hartman’s work at Novartis earned the Global Innovation of the Year Award for the iPulmoSpheres invention.
Mr. Hartman holds five patents in the fields of pharmaceutical aerosol formulation, including the AeroSphere patent obtained as Employee #1 at Pearl Therapeutics. He is a published expert on respiratory drug delivery, and an expert on formulations for both pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDI) and dry powder inhalers (DPI).
He left Big Pharma to lead a revolution in the cannabis space with the invention of his metered-dose full-spectrum, whole plant CBD/THC inhaler and later was a co-inventor of Silo’s metered dosing psilocybin nasal spray.
Mr. Hartman received his BS in Chemistry from University of California. In true Silicon Valley fashion, he is a drop out of the Physical Chemistry PhD program at University of Arizona, one of the top chemistry programs in the country.